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Laphroaig Select Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky (1 x 750 ml)

  • R 54900

Whisky is a timeless spirit crafted from malted grains and aged to perfection in oak barrels, offering a symphony of flavors from smoky and peaty to smooth and sweet. Each sip tells a story of heritage, craftsmanship, and the region it hails from. Perfect for moments of celebration or quiet reflection, whisky caters to both the novice and the connoisseur. Discover the art of whisky and indulge in its rich history and unparalleled complexity. Raise a glass to the ultimate journey of taste and tradition.




TAGS: Laphroaig, Laphroaig Select Single Malt Whiskey, Whisky,
  • Size : 750 ml
  • Brand : Laphroaig

Product/Packaging Information

  • Product Weight : 1.3 kg
  • Product Dimension : 86mm(L) x 86 mm(W) x 283mm(H)

Laphroaig Select Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky is a product of Scotland, specifically from the Islay region. It is a complex and well-rounded whisky with a distinctive smoky character that is typical of the Islay style.

In terms of appearance, it has a golden amber color, which is indicative of its age and maturation. On the nose, Laphroaig Select is quite peaty and smoky with hints of seaweed and iodine. The aroma is also marked by a subtle sweetness that balances the smokiness.

On the palate, the flavors are rich and full-bodied with a prominent smokiness that is complemented by notes of salt and pepper, as well as hints of vanilla and honey. The mouthfeel is oily and smooth, with a warming sensation that lingers on the tongue.

The finish is long and smoky, with a pleasant aftertaste that leaves a hint of sweetness on the palate. Laphroaig Select is aged for at least 4 years in a combination of American oak, first-fill bourbon barrels, and new European oak barrels.

This whisky is best enjoyed neat or with a drop of water to unlock its complex flavors. It pairs well with rich and spicy foods such as smoked meats, stews, and mature cheeses.

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