the grand store

Dval Leroy Brut Reserve 1 X 750ml

  • R 107400

Champagne is the embodiment of sophistication and luxury in the world of wine. Its golden effervescence dances in the glass, evoking images of glamour and celebration. Made exclusively from grapes grown in the Champagne region of France, the wine undergoes a secondary fermentation in the bottle, creating its signature bubbles. The result is a wine that is both complex and refreshing, with a delicate balance of acidity, fruitiness, and yeasty notes. Champagne is the ultimate expression of elegance, perfect for toasting special moments or simply indulging in life's pleasures. Its taste is timeless and its style, unmatched, making it a symbol of refinement and class.



CATEGORY: Champagne

TAGS: Champagne,
  • Size : 750 ml
  • Brand : Duval leroy

Product/Packaging Information

  • Product Weight : 1.5 kg
  • Product Dimension : 150mm(L) x 150 mm(W) x 300mm(H)

nce 1859, the Duval-Leroy family has been cultivating exceptional vineyards in Vertus, on the edge of the Cotes des Blancs where the finest Chardonnay are grown.

Family run, it is the only Major House run by a Female CEO and winemaker team. Under their leadership, it has pursued quality and innovation being the first house to pursue Vegan compliance in 2015, while producing organically with a terroir driven. The House was ranked #20 most admired brand by Drinks Business Magazine in 2019.

The Maison Duval Leroy reveals in the art of blending Pinots and Chardonnays Enriched with around fifteen crus and a generous quantity of reserve wines, Duval Leroy Brut Reserve confirms its complexity and is recognised for its consistency.

Blend – Pinot Noir, Meunier and Chardonnay

Providing a perfect balance between finesse and power, it draws out flavours of dark chocolate, cinnamon and roasted yellow figs, expressing its subtle, melt in the mouth vinosity.

Serving temperature between 8 C and 10 C.

Food pairing – Ideal as an aperitif wine, it also provides a subtle accompaniment to white meats.


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