the grand store

Hofbrau Munchner Weisse 330ml

  • R 660

Beer is one of the oldest and the most widely consumed alcoholic drink in the world. The third most popular drink overall after water and tea - it is produced by the brewing and fermentation of starches, mainly derived from cereal grains most commonly from malted barley, though wheat, maize (corn), rice, and oats are also used.



Category: Beers

Tags: Beer, Hofbrau Munchner Weisse,
  • Size : 330 ml
  • Brand : Hofbrau Munchen

Product/Packaging Information

  • Product Weight : 13.5 kg
  • Product Dimension : 240mm(L) x 390 mm(W) x 260mm(H)

The taste of Hofbrau Munchner Weisse is refreshing and complex, with a balanced sweetness and a mild tartness. It has a medium body with high carbonation, giving it a lively and effervescent mouthfeel.

Hofbrau Munchner Weisse is a versatile beer that pairs well with a wide range of foods, including spicy dishes, seafood, and light salads. It is also a great choice for outdoor events or as a refreshing drink during the summer months.

Overall, Hofbrau Munchner Weisse is a delicious and refreshing beer that is perfect for anyone who appreciates a well-crafted and traditional Bavarian-style wheat beer. Its fruity and complex flavor, along with its iconic hazy appearance and lively carbonation, make it a great choice for those looking for a truly authentic wheat beer.

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